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Sailing Adventures: Our RYA Competent Crew Course Experience

Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Sailing Adventures: Our RYA Competent Crew Course Experience

Ahoy there, fellow landlubbers and sea enthusiasts alike! Last week, our family embarked on an unforgettable journey, trading our land legs for sea legs as we took on the RYA Competent Crew course. Picture this: a mother and her two energetic kids, all set to conquer the waves and become bona fide sailors. Spoiler alert: it was a mix of high seas adventure, hearty laughter, and a few, shall we say, “learning opportunities.”

Day 1: Meet the Crew

Our adventure began at the marina, where we met our skipper – a salty sea dog with a penchant for dad jokes and a seemingly endless supply of nautical wisdom. As we stepped aboard our trusty vessel, it became clear that we were in for an experience of a lifetime. My kids, eager and wide-eyed, were thrilled at the prospect of trading homework for halyards, and I was just hoping not to end up as seasick as I do on roller coasters.

Day 2: Knots, Knots, and More Knots

The second day was dedicated to mastering the art of knot-tying. Bowlines, clove hitches, and figure-eights were the names of the game. The kids took to it like fish to water, their nimble fingers creating perfect knots in record time. I, on the other hand, found myself in a tangled mess more often than not. But hey, it’s all part of the learning curve, right?

Day 3: Sails Up!

With our newfound knot skills, it was time to hoist the sails and catch the wind. The exhilaration of feeling the boat slice through the water was indescribable. The kids took turns at the helm, steering us on a course that seemed to involve a lot of zigzagging. Meanwhile, I focused on not confusing port with starboard and trying not to trip over the rigging.

Day 4: Man Overboard (Well, Almost)

Day four brought a simulated man overboard drill. Cue the dramatic music! Our skipper tossed a buoy into the water, and we sprang into action. The kids, channeling their inner lifeguards, were quick to point and shout, “Man overboard!” With teamwork that would make any mother proud, we navigated the boat back to the buoy and ‘rescued’ it with finesse. It was a proud moment, even if our “man” was just a floatation device.

Day 5: Chartwork and Navigation

By the fifth day, we were starting to feel like real sailors. We delved into chartwork and navigation, plotting courses and learning to read nautical charts. The kids, ever the quick learners, took to the compass like seasoned navigators. I, however, found myself double-checking my bearings to avoid sailing us into the nearest shoal.

Day 6: The Final Frontier

Our final day was a true test of all we had learned. We set out on a mini-voyage, putting our skills to the ultimate test. The wind was in our favor, and the sea was calm – well, until it wasn’t. A sudden squall had us scrambling to reef the sails and batten down the hatches. Amidst the chaos, the kids were absolute troopers, following instructions and keeping spirits high. We weathered the storm and returned to the marina, tired but triumphant.

Reflections: From Landlubbers to Competent Crew

Reflecting on our week-long adventure, it’s clear that the RYA Competent Crew course was more than just a sailing course – it was a bonding experience, a confidence booster, and a crash course in teamwork and resilience. We laughed, we learned, and yes, we got a bit wet along the way. But most importantly, we emerged with a newfound love for sailing and a treasure trove of memories.

So, if you’re considering taking the plunge and signing up for a sailing course, I say go for it! Whether you’re a mother with kids in tow or a solo adventurer, the sea has a way of bringing out the best in all of us. Just don’t forget the sunscreen and a sense of humor – you’ll need both!

Fair winds and following seas,

Mainstay Sailings

Mainstay Sailing
Monday, January 15, 2024
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Mainstay Sailing
Monday, January 15, 2024
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Mainstay Sailing
Monday, September 11, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

One of our students extraordinaire; Jayden Pendleton went bareboating in Greece this year. Jayden did his RYA Dayskipper course last year as welll as his ICC. This allowed him to charter a boat in the Mediterranean. Obviously the Mainstay Sailing t-shirt made the journey as well ! This too could be you - contact us for more info.

Mainstay Sailing
Friday, August 18, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Known to be one of the toughest endurance challenges on the planet, the Clipper Race welcomes people from diverse walks of life from all around the world to become ocean racing sailors. Battling through the most extreme conditions, and facing whatever Mother Nature throws their way, it is a true test of determination to the finish line. Crew can either take on the challenge of the full 40,000nm circumnavigation or choose one or multiple legs of the epic adventure. Airlie Beach will feature on the fourth stage of the event's circumnavigation which starts from Portsmouth, UK on 3 September 2023. After visiting Puerto Sherry, Spain, Punta Del Este, Uruguay and Cape Town, South Africa, the fleet will head to Australia. Making their first stop in Fremantle, teams will then travel to Newcastle, New South Wales before heading upwards to make their final Australian stop in Airlie Beach. Here they will enjoy the crystal-clear waters and breathtaking scenery of The Whitsunday Islands and enjoy the rest and recuperation before the next Leg begins. Joscelyn O'Keefe, Head of Marketing and Business Development at Host Port, Coral Sea Marina Resort said "Following the positive economic impact of its previous visits, we are delighted to once again be Host Port for the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. Having the opportunity to further promote our region as a leading sailing destination in the Southern Hemisphere is one which we couldn't pass up. "This will be the fourth time the Clipper Race fleet has been welcomed to Coral Sea Marina Resort and the team here are very much looking forward to the buzz the race fleet creates at the marina and throughout Airlie Beach during their stay. "We will be working closely with the Clipper Race team to find ways to engage the community with the race and make this another memorable stopover for the race crews and their supporters."

Mainstay Sailing
Friday, August 18, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Radio 101 - next Tuesday!

Mainstay Sailing
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Last weeks 7 day Coastal Skipper course to Percy Island. It took 4 days to get there and 2 days to get back. In my view Percy Island is a hidden paradise and certainly a bucket list item. N

Mainstay Sailing
Friday, July 14, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Only a week ago we took these gentlemen out for a week's sailing on their brand new Bali 4.4 in the Whitsundays. Yes, we conduct private tuition. Contact Ron on 0402 429 152 for more information.

Mainstay Sailing
Friday, July 7, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Hi Guys, We have had a cancellation. Anyone interested in the Percy Islands trip next Friday (14 July), a bucket list destination? This RYA accredited, 7 Day practical sailing course starts and finishes at Coral Sea Marina in Airlie Beach. Percy Island is part of the Northumberland group, 70 nautical miles south-east of Mackay, the Percy Isles are a stunningly beautiful place of shimmering beaches and wooded hilltops - a Robinson Crusoe island rising from the indigo depths of the Coral Sea. Although only a day or two's sail from the southern Whitsunday islands, the islands are rarely visited except by cruising yachts and has never been exposed to tourism. Let me know if you are keen? Ron 0402 429 152

Mainstay Sailing
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Skipper Extraordinaire Terence on his was around the sun again ! Dylan & Shay threw a surprise party at Northerlies last night.

Win a RYA Sailing Course
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Win a RYA Sailing Course

This week we are joining up with Kristina Travels. Kristina has a YouTube channel with more than 20 million views!

Mainstay Sailing
Monday, March 6, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Mainstay Sailing
Monday, March 6, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Last week's successful Competent Crew / Coastal skipper course from Coral Sea Marina to Percy Island and back to Airlie Beach. looks like the students had a great time as well as learning the ropes. This was the last Percy Island course for 2022. I have setup new RYA Coastal Skipper courses for 2023. Check our website for more information.

Coastal Skipper to Percy Island
Monday, March 6, 2023
Ron van Schaik
Coastal Skipper to Percy Island

Come sail with us to Percy Island and back to Coral Sea Marina.

Mainstay Sailing
Monday, March 6, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Imagine this!

Mainstay Sailing
Monday, March 6, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

The maiden voyage to the Percy Isles. The first of the hopefully many RYA Coastal Skipper Courses. Beautiful weather. Thanks Sonia, John, Dennis and Bob - Enjoy yourselves! 😁 If you like to join us on the next course let me know.

Sailing to Thomas Island and Goldsmith Island
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Mainstay Sailing
Sailing to Thomas Island and Goldsmith Island

A few fun days sailing to Thomas Island and Goldsmith Island 😁

Trip to Goldsmith + Thomas Islands, Whitsundays
Monday, March 6, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Trip to Goldsmith + Thomas Islands, Whitsundays

Trip to Goldsmith + Thomas Islands, Whitsundays

Tales of the sea
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Mainstay Sailing
Tales of the sea

The Coral Sea Academy is an initiative that provides a series of innovative events designed to educate guests, locals and visitors to the Whitsundays about the environment, the Great Barrier Reef, better boating and sustainability.

Mainstay Sailing
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Coral Sea Marina to Great Keppel Island RYA Coastal Skipper Course This RYA accredited, 13 Day practical and theory sailing course starts at Coral Sea Marina in Airlie Beach and finishes on Great Keppel Island.

Mainstay Sailing
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

If you have never sailed a yacht before but want to have a go, then Start Yachting is the course for you. This course teaches you the basics of sailing a cruising yacht whilst you enjoy two days and one night onboard with all meals and snacks provided.

Mainstay Sailing
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

The First Mainstay Sailing All Girls Course! 😎

Mainstay Sailing
Monday, March 6, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Look what Chantal Henderson sent us from her last RYA Course with Mainstay Sailing ;-) Thank you for the fantastic shots of a cheeky Batfish at Armit Island Chantal!

Mainstay Sailing
Friday, November 26, 2021
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Bring your best girlfriend and come sailing!

Mainstay Sailing
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

2 Day RYA Start Yachting Course commencing 20/21 November. Book now!

Mainstay Sailing
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Check this out!

Mainstay Sailing
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

The last one of the series is tonight!

Mainstay Sailing
Monday, August 30, 2021
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Come along

Mainstay Sailing- boating basics
Monday, March 6, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing- boating basics

Last Tuesday, Mainstay Sailing gave a talk/presentation about Boating Basics. A collaboration between Coral Sea Marina Mainstay Training and Mainstay Sailing. What could possibly go wrong ....

Mainstay Sailing
Monday, March 6, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Some shots of Airlie Beach Race Week yesterday.

Mainstay Sailing
Monday, August 9, 2021
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

A great weekend sailing to the Great Barrier Reef and Blue Pearl Bay - Hayman island

Mainstay Sailing
Monday, March 6, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Want to know about the Great Barrier Reef? Come along

Mainstay Sailing
Monday, March 6, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

The better boating series continues!

Mainstay Sailing
Monday, March 6, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

AFTERNOONS on the boardwalk ~ Enjoy this view with our delicious menu Wed - Fri 3pm-9pm & Sat - Sun 12pm-9pm.

Mainstay Sailing
Monday, March 6, 2023
Mainstay Sailing
Mainstay Sailing

Learn to Sail now! Due to Covid restrictions in New South Wales we have availabilities for our Comp Crew and Dayskipper courses starting 15 July -19 July

The joining Instructions
Monday, May 10, 2021
Ron van Schaik
The joining Instructions

This is how we meet prior to leaving shore.

We have a new crew member.- Welcome Oscar
Monday, May 10, 2021
Terence Smith
We have a new crew member.- Welcome Oscar

After Bob's sudden demise, we have taken on "Oscar" on to help our students with Man Overboard training.

BOB leaves us after a number of years of loyal service.
Monday, May 10, 2021
Terence Smith
BOB leaves us after a number of years of loyal service.

BOB moves on after traumatic years aboard Mohawk. When we asked him to stay on his reply was "I'm a frayed knot"

Mainstay Sailing - new office!
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Ron van Schaik
Mainstay Sailing - new office!

We finally did it - we moved into a new office at Coral Sea Marina!

Does Mainstay Sailing only teach sailing skills?
Monday, March 6, 2023
Ron van Schaik
Does Mainstay Sailing only teach sailing skills?

At the end of each course the students get together to celebrate an end to a fantastic week in the Whitsundays. Exhausted but very happy.

A thought for today in a COVID world
Monday, March 6, 2023
Terence Smith
A thought for today in a COVID world

This message was received today on board Mohawk after a student posted a picture of us peacefully anchored at Gloucester Island.

Congratulations to James and Bec
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Terence Smith
Congratulations to James and Bec

James and Bec from Sydney managed to get up to Airlie just before borders closed. They spent a week of interesting sailing around the region.

Sea Safety and Survival Course Changes.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Terence Smith
Sea Safety and Survival Course Changes.

With COVID-19 restrictions around the world as well as the need to move with the times, the official Sea Safety and Survival Course (SSSC) has changed its format to be a blended learning course.

One of our favourite Brazillians drops in for a visit and a sunset sail
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Terence Smith
One of our favourite Brazillians drops in for a visit and a sunset sail

Ricardo, who over the last few years has gone from zero to Dayskipper with us, arrived out of the blue in his van "Bella" He was on his way home from an over-land trip to Cape Tribulation when he decided to pop in.

Tony completes his Coastal Skipper Course in the Whitsundays
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Terence Smith
Tony completes his Coastal Skipper Course in the Whitsundays

Tony Stockton from Northern NSW successfully completed his Dayskipper course in the Gold Coast, and went on to breezing through his Coastal skipper course on arrival in Airlie Beach.

Coastal Skipper course from Brisbane to the Whitsundays
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Dylan Smith
Coastal Skipper course from Brisbane to the Whitsundays

Leaving from Rivergate Marina in Brisbane, Mainstay's incredible crew; Tony, Jodi and Dylan, embarked on an epic adventure that would bring many smiles

Sea Safety and Survival Courses scheduled in Queensland for buildup to Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Terence Smith
Sea Safety and Survival Courses scheduled in Queensland for buildup to Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race

2 new course dates have been set for the Australian Sailing Sea Safety and Survival course in Queensland.

RYA Interactive courses are available now..
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Terence Smith
RYA Interactive courses are available now..

The course offers a great introduction to navigation and safety awareness for new or inexperienced skippers and crew.

Remote assessment process for marine radio examinations
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Terence Smith
Remote assessment process for marine radio examinations

Mainstay Sailing has adopted the newly allowed remote assessment method for VHF marine radio, and HF marine radio licences.

Mainstay Sailing adjusts to life in the COVID world
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Terence Smith
Mainstay Sailing adjusts to life in the COVID world

Following a risk assesment on board,we are doing our bit to reduce risk of infection to our students, staff and guests.


Glyn Williams

Five strangers, 40ft yacht, 5 days, strong winds, what can go wrong? It was a fantastic learning experience doing my RYA Dayskipper with them. The Mainstay crew's many years of knowledge shines thru in every aspect of the week. A really professional operation. Oh, and the food, wow, wow, wow. Never eaten so well at sea. Thank you Ron and Terrence.

Anthony Cohen

Fantastic experience! Even though I managed to jam the propellor only 30 seconds after leaving the dock, Terence didn't bat an eye, took control, fixed the problem and never looked back! An amazing Captain, great instructor, awesome chef, and plenty of stories too! We had a great time and learnt so much. Thanks Terence and Ron. We'll be back for our Day Skipper soon!

Martha Furucho

Martha Furucho

I had an amazing time! Terrance is an excellent instructor! And chef!! One of the best experience ever!

Francesco Sette

A life changing experience :) you will fall in love with sailing and boat life after this trip. We have learnt so much about sailing with our instructor Terrence and for sure we want to continue with other courses. Thank you so much Terrence and all mainstay family. Marta & francesco


Who is the RYA?

The Royal Yachting Association is the national body for dinghy, yacht and motor cruising, all forms of sail racing, RIBs and sports boats, windsurfing and personal watercraft and a leading representative for inland waterways cruising.

Our internationally renowned training schemes steer 250,000 yacht sailors, power boaters, small craft leisure boaters, windsurfers and canal boaters towards confident and successful boating every year.

So whether your end goal is to spend more quality down time on the water, to travel, to compete, to work, or to advance your career; there’s a course for you.

Our ethos

Our escapades bring you back to the fundamentals of life. Spending a few days on a boat brings out the best in human nature. Living and working together we talk a lot, laugh a lot, and put the world to rights. It is more than an escape from the complexity of life ashore; the fresh air, natural adrenalin and outdoor activity give your body a good physical detox too.

How about vessel deliveries?

We have the knowledge and skills to safely deliver your boat to its new port.

We respect the trust owners place on us. Years of blue water sailing experience has ensured that careful preparation, regular watch keeping and making sure the boat is safe at all times is essential for the safety of the people on board and the yacht.

At the same time we can provide tuition for you and your crew during the planning of the passage and the actual delivery itself. Extra crew can be arranged if required.There are four stages to a delivery exercise – preparation, leaving port, passage making and arrival with debrief

Charters for a couple?

The ultimate getaway for 2! Yacht charters and sailing cruises are one of the best ways to experience beauty of the Whitsundays. Choose from romantic overnight yacht charters for two, sailing cruises with meals and drinks, hands-on sailing trips or something with a touch of luxury. Once out on the glittering waves you'll see why we think yacht charters and sailing cruises are such a treat!


Payments are taken prior to course or charter start. We have payments plans to make it easier for you.

© Mainstay Sailing 2018-2024 | all rights reserved