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If you are wanting to join a crew, or be invited to become a crew member on a cruising or racing yacht, having your competent crew certificate will make you much more useful to the skipper. You can immediately show that you have a basic understanding of sailing and terminology used by sailors.
Having some formal and recognised training also helps to protect the owner / skipper of the yacht while taking part in races or events. The racing regulations state that "it is the responsibility of the master to ensure that all crew are adequately trained."

The Competent Crew Certificate or equivalent are a pre-requisite to the Day Skipper course.

  • Pre- Course Experience-None
  • Assumed knowledge-None
  • Minimum duration-5 days. Often run over 3 weekends or 3 days plus a weekend. If you have done the Start Yachting course, this course can be completed in 3 or 4 days.
  • Minimum age-None
  • Course content-Knowledge of sea terms and parts of a boat, her rigging and sails, sail handling, ropework, fire precautions and fighting, personal safety equipment, man overboard, emergency equipment, meteorology, seasickness, helmsmanship, general duties, manners and customs, rules of the road, dinghies.
  • Ability after the course- Able to steer, handle sails, keep a lookout, row a dinghy and assist in all the day to day routines
  • Sufficient knowledge to understand orders given concerning the sailing and day to day running of the boat

Sail handling

  • Sufficient knowledge to understand orders given concerning the sailing and day to day running of the boat
  • Use of sheets and halyards and their associated winches

Rope work

  • Handling ropes, including coiling, stowing, securing to cleats and single and double bollards
  • Handling warps
  • Ability to tie the following knots and to know their correct use :figure of eight, clove hitch, rolling hitch, bowline, round turn and two half hitches, single and double sheet bend, reef knot.

Fire precautions and firefighting

  • Handling ropes, including coiling, stowing, securing to cleats and single and double bollards
  • Knowledge of the action to be taken in the event of fire

Personal safety equipment

  • Understands and complies with the rules for the wearing of safety harnesses, lifejackets and personal buoyancy aids.

Man overboard

  • Understands the action to be taken to recover a man overboard

Emergency equipment

  • Can operate distress flares and knows when they should be used
  • Understands how to launch and board a life-raft

Manners and customs

  • Understands accepted practice with regards to:-
  • Use of burgees and ensigns, prevention of unnecessary noise or disturbance in harbour including courtesies to other craft berthed.
  • Awareness of responsibilities of yacht skippers to protect the environment

Rules of the road

  • Is able to keep an efficient lookout at sea


  • Understands and complies with the loading rules
  • Is able to handle a dinghy under oars


  • Awareness of forecasting services and knowledge of the Beaufort scale


  • Working ability is unaffected / partially affected / severely affected by seasickness

Helmsmanship and sailing

  • Understands the basic principles of sailing and can steer and trim sails on all points of sailing
  • Can steer a compass course, under sail and power

General duties

  • Has carried out general duties satisfactorily on deck and below decks in connection with the daily routine of the vessel.


5 Days, or 3 x two day weekends, or a 2 day and a 3 day weekend







+61 402 429 152

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Mainstay Sailing – through its owners, directors, and entire team – is committed to delivering top-quality training and services to our customers and partners. We’ll stay updated with the latest technology and equipment, sharing this knowledge to enhance the fun and safety of sailing, cruising, and boating in general.

We aim to make learning both educational and enjoyable, sparking a spirit of adventure along the way! Our teaching methods are tailored to support people of all skill levels and learning styles, making every experience with us a true voyage of discovery.



All Courses

RYA Training (internationally recognised)

Whether you have never been on a yacht, or you just want to learn a bit more, we offer professionally run courses which will give you internationally recognised qualifications.

If you are planning to charter locally or internationally, we can offer courses which will give you the knowledge and ability to make it safe and enjoyable, as well as the certificate to present to the charter company.

Our practical courses are run on “Mohawk” a Bennetau 40.7, which is ideal for training in a safe and comfortable environment. Our training ground is the Whitsunday region in Queensland. All courses are run from our base at Coral Sea Marina in Airlie Beach.

Your instructors are RYA qualified and will ensure your learning experience is fun, and exciting. We adapt the courses to suit all learning styles and personal preferences. The accommodation and food will set the ideal learning environment to ensure that you have a fantastic week with us.

Current course dates

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